26 October 2011

A Day in the Life: Student Work

First off, I have to apologize for being MIA for a little while. I've just been busy busy busy or just so exhausted by the time I get home that I just curl up with a good book and hit the hay even earlier than usual. I'm just going to share a few of our finished products from first, second & third grade. These are some of the best pieces from each class. The ones shown are most likely hanging in the hallways at school right now!

For first grade we looked at Diego Rivera's Delfina Flores and talked about background. [Delfina Flores is a painting of a small child. The child was a daughter of a maid in Diego Rivera's house. The image of the girl uses an indoor background as a "clue" to where she was.] In our class we talked about "clues" we could draw to show where we are in our drawing. Here are few examples (one wasn't completed when I took the photographs, but his drawing was so good; don't worry his coloring was phenomenal!):

I love how she used the texture rubbing technique for her sky!

In second grade our project was "Self-Portrait with a Friend". Student's focus was on accurately drawing two people and showing two examples of overlapping in the image. We looked at Grant Wood's American Gothic which I'm sure everyone has seen. Its the farmer and his wife with the farmer holding his pitchfork. We talked about who is closest to us in the picture and how we know that through overlapping. Students were so enthusiastic in sharing about their friends it was so much fun to hear their stories! Here is just one sensational example:

From his "clues" I know him & his friend love soccer!
Throughout third grade our product focus (what they will create) is all about the human face. Learning how to correctly draw a face in proportion and then taking that further in different directions. So this lesson (one of the firsts) was learning the proportions of the face and drawing their own faces in proportion. Students used mirrors to view specific features (although at times students were making faces in the mirrors instead...). The main focus was the proportionality of the facial features, so the background was simply a design or pattern to make an abstract background. Examples:

I'm so proud of what my students have already accomplished and I'm excited to see where we go! I'll attempt to keep up to date records of my students work and share with you from time to time! Hope you enjoy these fabulous pieces of art!

If you want to see a particular grades' work just let me know! Leave me a little comment or something!

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