Rae just celebrated her five month birthday! She's quite a character and tried to grab and eat the camera every single picture I took.
Five Month Weight: 16lbs
Rae loves: hanging out in her bouncy seat, putting anything and everything into her mouth including her toes, taking walks in the stroller (without the car seat attached!), being in the ergo carrier, playing with some teething toys, sucking her thumb and giggling for us
Rae doesn't love: teething (I think its starting because I literally have no other explanation for her grumpiness some days)
Raelyn is now wearing mostly 6 month clothes and a few 3 month and 3-6 months clothes. She's still in size 2 diapers but still manages to have blow outs in the middle of the night. Little rascal. She's still working on that peach fuzz hair and its slowly growing. We haven't started solid foods yet but plan on it once she's hit 6 months. I just pureed some peas the other day and froze them so they're ready to go when we decide to start solids. We've edited her schedule even more so that she goes to bed earlier and David and I can have some time together. Here's what it looks like:
Rae's Schedule:
7 wake, eat, play
8:30 nap
10:30 wake, eat, play
12 nap
2:00 wake, eat play
3:30 nap
5 wake, eat, play
7 bath time, final meal, bedtime
She wakes once in the middle of the night to eat still but that will
soon be gone - hopefully once solids are introduced or maybe before.
This is just a rough outline of a schedule and most of the time the first nap is the
only one that actually lasts 2 hours. We still keep the meal times the
same and have her play if she wakes up early from a nap.
We can't wait to see all of the new things Rae will learn this next month!
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