Okay, so it's clearly been quite some time since I've actually been on here [insert monkey covering mouth emoji]. oops. Let's just all agree that sometimes we get caught up in other things like
baseball and wine working at home grading art projects.
I've also been slacking on
Tulips&Lace Studio so my hope is to get some more pieces created and posted on the shop. I've been creating a few things, but I truly don't have a good excuse as to why I haven't been painting as often. Please keep encouraging me on that goal no matter how many sales I have or follows or whatever. I can't let my identity be placed in those things!
Made this poster because I am SERIOUSLY done with seeing stick figures! |
As for school, we are almost through the first quarter with only one week to go until the report cards go out! In no way what-so-ever did I think that I'd actually like going to work at this point. Let's just say that last year was a horrible year at school. Add together moving from elementary to middle school, disrespectful students whose parents don't care at all and not a Fairfax County Virginia art budget and you get a pretty miserable transition into middle school teaching. I honestly cried after school for at least two months and swore I would quit at the end of the school year - but that's a story for another time.
What I have to say is that I LOVE MY JOB. No, I don't get hugs everyday from Kindergarteners anymore, but I do have a huge impact on middle schoolers lives - even if they never tell me. I get to be really sarcastic and sassy (yes, sassy) to the students and they still like me. At parent-teacher conferences, one of my student's mother told me that she hears about me every day at the dinner table and that her daughter loves my class. Of course I will never hear that from the student, but man did that feel good to know I'm actually making a difference and leaving an impression on a student.
I wanted to share what my students have been up to! This year I started using Artsonia to display students work (also so parents actually see it… Last year I believe over half of my students just threw away their work. Thanks you lovely children.) Check out our gallery! All of our projects throughout the year will be posted online to the gallery so keep checking for updates. I've been making my TA's work their butts off to make Artsonia a success in my classroom.
Our Artsonia Gallery
Enjoy the students' work, their artist statements and feel free to leave comments! The kids would be so excited if they got extra comments on their work!
I feel like there's a billion other things I could tell you on here, but the most important thing right now is that the fabulous Orioles have had some BANGIN' 8th innings!
Also this handsome man comes home in a little more than month! |
Until later! xoxo