02 April 2016

Sweet Baby Rae: Six Months

Well, I honestly can't believe Raelyn is already half a year old! Where has the time gone? Everyone, and I mean literally everyone, tells you how fast the time passes when they are little but of course I didn't know exactly what they meant until I'm here, in the trenches of parenthood.

Rae wakes up extremely happy in the morning. I usually hear her squawking from her room just chatting with herself. Unfortunately, by the end of the day - like most babies - she's fussy and ready for a good nights sleep. Our lives changed forever on MARCH 3rd when Rae slept through the night completely from 7:30/7:45pm to 7am!!! Of course David was out of town so I was the only one who got to enjoy the first night of no wake-ups. Ever since that night, she has slept through until around 7am, usually is awake earlier but not crying.

She rolls over now, all of the time, even though she hates being on her tummy for the most part. She either complains for a while or flips right over to her back again. We're working on sitting up, but she still doesn't have the balance to sit up on her own just yet.

As for food, we've tried pureed avocado and peas. I think it took me a few tries to get the consistency right, so I believe the peas were the only thing that actually made it to her stomach. The avocado just ended up all over the bib and Rae's face.

Rae loves: squawking, squeaking, getting tickled, bouncing in the door jumper, being held, chewing on everything, grabbing our faces, trying peas, chewing and sucking on her sippy cup (she's been able to get water out a few times), nursing, riding in the ergo carrier

Rae doesn't love: feeling alone - I swear I can't even go the bathroom without her crying this week and I actually think teething is starting. False alarm last time. I'll probably be saying that next month too.

This little one has stolen our hearts completely.