Four Month Stats: 12lbs 15oz
Rae has discovered many new things over this past month including her voice and that she can shove her fist and pretty much anything else into her mouth - including burp cloths, my hair, and blankets. Rae is so close to rolling over from back to belly and is already a pro at rolling over from belly to back. She loves talking to herself, especially at night while falling asleep and right after eating. We just moved to size 2 diapers after the grossest of blow outs while nursing and Rae is still wearing size 3 month clothing but is slowing making her way to size 3-6 month clothing. Her blonde hair is more like peach fuzz except for a patch on the back of her head that's a bit longer. One day she
We had to take some photographs in this beautiful dress that Auntie Melanie bought Rae and since its a size 3 months, she won't be able to wear it when there is actual warm weather. The Dark girls have decided its a dress that will get passed around to all of our baby girls so we had to make sure we got a picture of Rae wearing it.
Rae Loves: talking to herself, chewing on anything she can pull to her mouth (including hands, burp cloths, her lovie and her teether toy), smiling and occasionally laughing, playing with the birds on her play mat, doing tummy time on the boppy, going on walks with Emmett
Rae doesn't Love: being tired or hungry (I'm right there with her though) - there's very little that Rae gets upset about; she is such a wonderful, happy baby.
We've been using the Babywise method for eating/wake/sleep time and just started implementing a schedule with Rae. It's taken us a little while to get started on a schedule just because I think I wasn't sure how to transition her from taking little cat naps in the Rock & Play to taking longer naps in her crib. She has slept in her crib at night since about 2 weeks old (yeah we kicked her out of our room quickly!) so we knew she could sleep in there just fine. Here's what her schedule is as of right now. I made it based on a few blogs as well as what her bed time has been. Eventually we will work our way down to a 7PM bed time/beginning of bedtime routine but we're working on getting her to sleep through the night first.
This schedule has been working for us. I know it's not for everyone but it works for now. We will be working on extending play time and dropping naps over time.
Rae's Schedule:
7 wake, eat, play
8:30 nap
10 wake, eat, play
11:30 nap
1 wake, eat play
2:30 nap
4 wake, eat, play
5:30 nap
7 wake, eat, play
9 final meal, bedtime
Rae usually wakes only once around 3-4AM to eat and then falls asleep until around 7. One night last week she slept until 6AM!!! We knew it was a once in a blue moon thing but we're slowly getting to sleeping through the night.
We can't wait to see all of the new things she will learn over the next month!