11 July 2013

Spring Break: Charleston

Yes, its summer. Yes, this is about spring break. At least its still the same year right?

Over spring break this year, while David was already in Arizona/California, I took a trip down to Charleston, South Carolina to visit my dear friend Christiana. I knew I wouldn't get a chance again anytime soon to visit Christiana let alone Charleston so I planned this trip! Drove down on a Friday night after school ended (I-95 was a TART) and got in around midnight or sometime after that.

Over the week, we saw sights around Charleston and were able to see some of the locations where THE NOTEBOOK was filmed. Yes, Ryan Gosling had walked those same streets. Swoon. You can find a list of the locations right here if you're ever in Charleston and love the Notebook. We first went to the American theater where Allie & Noah went the movies. Then we found High Cotton which was the restaurant where Allie & Lon were dining later in the movie.

Then we went to one of the most gorgeous places I had ever been to. Cypress Gardens. It was where they filmed the scene in The Notebook in which Noah & Allie go for a boat ride, swans surrounding them. In real life we had alligators instead of swans. Not as romantic, but you take what you can get. The photographs honestly don't do this place justice. I was speechless by the beauty around me.


They had the option to take a boat on your own and follow the white arrows around the swamp. We went under two bridges [and were quite the entertainers for some people walking over the bridges]. See, the bridges were low so we basically had to lie on our backs in the boat in order to not lose our heads get through. We spotted little baby alligators and lots of turtles.

Later in the week, or earlier [can't remember] we attempted to go to the beach but it was freezing and windy. So we ended up staying there for only about 20 minutes or so. We also went to this amazing little Italian place downtown and had some amazing tortellini. The place was called Bocci's and it was D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S! Off the beaten path, so not many people were there which was nice. I highly recommend going there for a bite.

One evening while my partner in crime was working her tail off at Starbucks, I ventured out on my own in attempts to find a cozy coffee shop where I could read and sip on a delicious concoction. Instead I ended up at one of the most interesting "bars" [I guess you could call it that] ever. I walked in and everyone stared at me. It was a place full of regulars and I stuck out like a sore thumb. I had already committed so I couldn't just turn around and walk out. Sitting down at the bar, I asked for a drink menu and I ordered a latte to go. [Wasn't trying to be in there any longer than I needed to be.]

Huge thing I forgot to mention was the population at the bar. All of them were middle-aged, no, they were probably retired.

Anyway, I got my drink and decided to stick it out and people watch at the bar. Quite entertaining and one of my favorite hobbies. Soon an older man walked in and takes the seat right next to me. He was on a first name basis with the bartender. We start chatting and he had to be filthy rich because his house was on the Battery aka right on the water and an extremely historic part of Charleston. It was definitely a tale to tell Christiana later.

End of story. Main idea: visit Charleston if you ever get the chance.


08 July 2013

Oh heeeey there.

So it seems as though it's been about a year and a half since I've been on here. whoops. Life happens. Over time, I'll post more things in detail but here's a quick recap since December of 2011.

Bachelorette festivities, Bridal showers,Wedding, Finished my first year of teaching, Honeymoon Cruise, David started TBS at Quantico, Started my second year of teaching, bought a truck, went to a Ravens game, first Marine Corps Birthday Ball in Richmond, First Christmas as a Married Couple, David moved to Yuma, Arizona/29 Palms, California, went to a few Caps games, Spring Break in Charleston, Finished my Second Year of teaching, cross-country road trip to Arizona, Living with my hubby once again. Phew. That's a lot.

Just a few photographs to re-cap some of it all.

Yeah, that's me on the Left as a purple bear. I'm cool like that with my 1st graders.

Melissa Barrick Photography

I'm on a boat.
USMC Birthday Ball in Richmond

Visiting Cypress Gardens in Charleston where the boat & swan scene from the Notebook was filmed.

Trip across America.

Join me in my adventure as David & I settle into our new home in Yuma. I've been blessed with a job here at the local Middle School (a story for another time) & I'm sure there will be loads of hysterical moments to share when I start in August.
